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Section 47 - assault occasioning actual bodily harm, çàòåì ìíå áûëî âûäàííî BAIL CANCELLATION NOTICE, â êîòîðîì óêàçàííî
You are no longer required to surrender to bail at the time and date shown.
The reason for cancelling your bail is Insuficient evidence to proceed on advice of Sht 774 LONG

ß àâãóñòå, ÿ ïîäàëà íà 6-òè ìåñÿ÷íóþ âèçó.
â àíêåòå áûëè âîïðîñû
Do you have any criminal convictions in any country (including traffic offences)?

Have you ever been charged in any country with a criminal offence for which you have not yet been tried in the court (including traffic offences)?

ß îòâåòèëà - íåò, òàê êàê äóìàëà, ÷òî èíöèäåíò èñ÷åðïàí.

Ìíå ïðèø¸ë îòêàç â ïîëó÷åíèè ïîâòîðíîé âèçû, ñ ðåçîëþöèåé
I have refused your visa application on this occasion because I am not satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, that you meet all of the requirements of paragraph 320 (7A) of the Immigration Rules. This decision was made on the merits of this application. However, if you have a previous application and immigration history, this may have been considered.
You have failed to declare facts material to this application as follows:
• I note that during a telephone interview conducted on 26/08/2009 by a member of staff at the British Embassy Office, Almaty, you stated that you had never previously had any problems with the UK Police. However records held show otherwise. I am therefore satisfied that you have not been candid with regards to your previous stay.
I therefore refused your application under paragraph 320(7A) of HC395 as quoted in the relevant immigration rules section of this notice above. Therefore, on the balance of probabilities, I am not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry as a visitor for a limited period not exceeding 6 months or that you intend to leave the United Kingdom at the end of the visit as required by paragraph 41 (i) and (ii) of HC395.
×òî ïîäðàçóìåâàåò ïàðàãðàô 320(7A) of HC395, îòêàç íà 1 ãîä èëè áîëüøå?
Êàê ìíå ïðàâèëüíî ïîñòóïèòü, ïîïðîáîâàòü âçÿòü äîêóìåíò èç ïîëèöèè, ÷òî îáâèíåíèå áûëî îøèáî÷íûì èëè îôîðìèòü áðàê â ó íàñ â ñòðàíå.
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Òåìà: ÂåëèêîáðèòàíèÿÎôîðìëåíèå âèçû â Àíãëèþ

0 667 25.09.2009

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