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Hello Valerii.My daughter has a permanent resident card valid till November 2013. She landed in 2008 and left Canada in 10 days to study at the University in Russia.
This June she married a man from Belorussia and is already pregnant. She expects to have a baby in Canada at the end of January. She is moving to Ottawa in about a month. She would like her husband move to Canada too.
1. Is there any way for him to arrive to Canada by the end of January to be present here during the delivery and some time before the event?
2. Are there any options other than sponsoring him as she may have difficulties finding job being pregnant?
3. Could he arrive in Canada on the tourist visa and apply for permanent resident card from inside Canada?
4. My daughter will be arriving on a passport that still has her maiden name. Could she start the process before changing her passport on arrival, or should she first change the passport and permanent resident card to have a new last name on them? (I was told that it takes 2-3 months to change passport with Consular Section of the Embassy of the Russian Federation.)You may answer in Russian. Thank you

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0 321 13.07.2011

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