My name is Princess Serena and i am looking for a man who will really understand me with love, respect, trust and faithful because there is something important missing in my life, and it is love ! And i will like you to reply to me with through this via email serena.onyedike@yahoo.com for further introduction...
lots of love,
Òåìà: Áàéêàë – Ïîãîäà íà Áàéêàëå
0 313 10.10.2008
Çäðàâñòâóéòå! Ïëàíèðóþ ïåðâûé ðàç îòäîõíóòü íà Áàéêàëå. Âîçìîæíîñòü òîëüêî â ñåíòÿáðå. Êàêóþ îïòè..